Meet Sally

Sally Breeze Green, a published author, has been jotting down thoughts all of her life. From the time her mother gave her a give year diary to keep her daily memories, to stray thoughts that came to her from many time and places, it became evident she was a story teller at heart. In her trilogy of children's books exploring key components of the Christian faith, Green shares hopes of offering young readers lighthearted and enjoyable, fun-filled narratives of the Christian values with an impartial bit of guidance for living as God wishes. Time spent with family is a bonus when adults read these stories to their children. 
Each of these books has had a difference approach to telling about Jesus and how to lead a loving and helpful life. In Lo & Behold, A Christmas Story, Jesus appears as the Savior of the world. the other two books, Georgie! A Big Fish Tale and Put a Tiger in Your Tank, are more adventure and value oriented in their content. These stories aim at teaching as well as entertaining middle aged and young teenage children. 
In 2023, a fourth book emerged in a completely different direction. God's Story Made Simple for Kids covers the Biblical narrative from its beginning to its end. It is meant to do just as the title implies - to make the Biblical concepts easier for young mind to grasp at an early age. 
"Stories of my youth taught me that God can speak to our hearts in dreams, just like He did in scripture. I love it when God awakens me at 3 a.m. in the morning and says, 'Get up and write this down!' That actually happened in my first book, Lo & Behold, a Christmas Story. I got up and the story just rolled out of my pen! Since then, I try to be sensitive to these early morning encounters with God. One never knows what will happen or what revelation will come about." 
Illustrations in the first three books were provided by the author's grandniece, Melissa Green. "She seemed to read my intent of the narrative with her talent." In the fourth book, the art work was provided by her eldest grandson, Chris Green. He is an artist of many mediums and chose to portray her thoughts with digital art. Green shares, "I couldn't have done these works without their artistry"
Sally Breeze Green holds a Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. She also served several tours of service as an elder and several years as a lay preacher in the Presbyterian tradition and let prayer retreats and seminars throughout Texas, Louisiana and Tennessee for many years.
After 40 years of working together in their petroleum engineering consulting firm, Sally and her husband retired in 2019. Sally cared for him in his health decline until his death in June of 2021. Her story telling has helped her find her "new normal" since his passing. She continues to write and mentor others in the Christian faith. They had been married for nearly 65 years and shared a family of two sons and spouses, five grandchildren and spouses and four great-grandchildren to whom she remains devoted.